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Soft Skills
The interpersonal aspect of life at work place revolves around communicating, listening and working collaboratively with internal and external customers. Soft skills is undoubtedly a critical skill in this age of highly specialised and yet diversified work teams. IBE provide various soft skill training packages for to enhance professionalisma among staff in managing relationships with both clients and colleagues as they come from various disciplines and with various needs.
Among the soft skills trainings provided by IBE are:
- Communication Skills
- Emotional Intelligence
- Developing Positive Attitudes and Habits at Workplace: Enhancing Skills at Workplace
- Powering Your Image for Workplace Success
- Customer Service
- Creativity and Innovation
- Leadership and Decision Making Skills
- Event Management
- Critical and Logical Thinking
- Team Building
- Service from the Heart
- Basic English Course
- Advanced English for Professional Communications
- Turning No to Yes
For more information, please contact:
03-5544 4686 | IBE General Line
To download brochure, please send your request to: ibe@uitm.edu.my
Hard Skills
Hard or technical skills are as important as soft skills. The importance of hard skills has been traditionally emphasised within the organisation as these skills are required to perform specific job related tasks, and are much more critical to the bottom line and success in a job. Continuous training programmes in enhancing and updating employees’ ability and knowledge will definitely enable them to perform their tasks effectively and efficiently as well as providing innovative and improved ways of doing work.
Among the hard skills trainings offered by IBE are:
- Finance for Non Finance Managers
- Writing Report and Minutes of Meeting
- PhotoJournalism
- Microsoft Excel Basic, Intermediate and Advance
- Basic Data Analysis Course
- Microsoft PowerPoint
- Montage Video Design with Adobe After Effect
- Adoble Flash Professional CS6 – Introduction and Basic Animation
- Social Media Strategy
For more information, please contact:
03-5544 4686 | IBE General Line
To download brochure, please send your request to: ibe@uitm.edu.my
The acquisition of research skills is critical when undertaking a research project. IBE research workshops are designed to take researchers to the next level, developing broader research skills in a number of ways and working with a specific kind of statistical software. The research workshops will equip individuals to become effective researchers and are focussed in giving research training skills to individuals or organisations who wish to write a research proposal as well as analysing data.
The following is a list of all research training workshops conducted by IBE:
- Atlas TI
- Smart PLS
- Structural Equation Modelling (SEM)
- Standard Package Social Science (SPSS)
- Qualitative Data Analysis
- Delphi Technique
- Content Analysis
- Conducting and Analysing Focus Group Discussion
- Developing Instrument On-line
- Questionnaire Validation
- Grant Writing Course: Writing a Winning Grant Application
For more information, please contact:
03-5544 4686 | IBE General Line
To download brochure, please send your request to: ibe@uitm.edu.my
Community Service
IBE is committed in delivering quality training in community services to the public. These community services is IBE’s way of giving back to those who need it most. Through community engagement, IBE hopes to improve the community knowledge, experience and opportunities that could be gain from it.
Community service initiatives by IBE include:
- GST Awareness Program
- Program Kem Gerbang Kejayaan for UPSR Students
- Green Event – Waste to Wealth
- Green Charity and Karangkraf
- Asnaf Entrepreneurship Development Diagnosis Training 1
- Financial Management after Retirement
For more information, please contact:
03-5544 4686 | IBE General Line
To download brochure, please send your request to: ibe@uitm.edu.my